Pricing Plans

Choose the Perfect Package

Explore a variety of plans to find a price that aligns with exactly what you need.

One-Time Evaluation


$ 999 per platform

Get in-depth insights with a comprehensive one-time platform analysis and report containing actionable, user-focused feedback tailored specifically to optimize your user experience.

Perfect for businesses seeking a one-time overhaul.

Monthly Plan

Starting at

$ 1,499 /month

Get in-depth insights with a comprehensive monthly platform analysis and report containing actionable, user-focused feedback tailored specifically to optimize your user experience. In addition to this, we’ll oversee implementation and integrate seamlessly into your existing project management systems.

Perfect for businesses that are developing their platform and regularly implementing new features.

Compare plans

Transparent pricing for every stage.

One-Time Evaluation
$999 per platform
Monthly Plan
Starting at $1,499/mo
Comprehensive Analysis

Identify pain points and uncover issues.

Actionable Feedback

Clear, user-centric guidance to improve usability.

Customizable Report

All information compiled into a concise report.

Oversight of Implementation

Collaborate with your developers to ensure seamless execution.

Seamless Integrations

Integrate into existing project management systems like Jira, ClickUp, and more.

Continuous Improvement

Launch every new feature with top-quality standards.

Compare plans

Transparent pricing for every stage.

One-Time Evaluation
$999 Per Platform
Starting at $1,499/mo
Comprehensive Analysis

Identify pain points and uncover issues.

Actionable Feedback

Clear, user-centric guidance to improve usability.

Customizable Report

All information compiled into a concise report.

Oversight of Implementation

Collaborate with your developers to ensure seamless execution.

Seamless Integrations

Integrate into existing project management systems like Jira, ClickUp, and more.

Continuous Improvement

Launch every new feature with top-quality standards.

Take the First Step

Transform your platform today!